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Som svar til:
Skribent: Hanskrist
Emne: Re: Buddhisme

A Maslow

Self-actualized people don't sacrifice their potentialities in the service of others; rather, they use their full powers in the service of others (important distinction). You don't have to choose either self-actualization or self-transcendence-- the combination of both is essential to living a full and meaningful existence.

The goal of identity (self-actualization . . .) seems to be simultaneously an end-goal in itself, and also a transitional goal, a rite of passage, a step along the path to the transcendence of identity. This is like saying its function is to erase itself. Put the other way around, if our goal is the Eastern one of ego-transcendence and obliteration, of leaving behind self-consciousness and self-observation, . . . then it looks as if the best path to this goal for most people is via achieving identity, a strong real self, and via basic-need-gratification."
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