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#18489 - 20/09/2014 10:22 Re: Vær forsigtig,,,,, [Re: treram]
somo Online   content
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Registeret: 14/07/2012
Indlæg: 1473
svinekød er
forbudt i islam og Bibelen

Nogen fortalte mig
grunden til at det er anset for at være en "uren mad" er fordi grisene har ingen svedkirtler

som er, hvordan alle de kropslige toksiner frigivet

dermed med svinekød det hele forbliver i kødet for varigheden af ​​deres liv, og det har akkumuleret alt imens deri fra fødslen

Svinekød fik et dårligt navn tidligt på, selv i Bibelen, fordi under-kogte svinekød er meget farligt, og svin har længe været anset for at være urene dyr. Svin, der er rejst i moderne faciliteter har ofte deres fedt-indhold øges. Jeg ville helt sikkert ikke sige, det er det bedste af kød,
Jeg spiser ikke svinekød, fordi jeg tror svin er beskidte dyr. Jeg elsker kylling. Yum2!
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#18493 - 20/09/2014 16:06 Re: Vær forsigtig,,,,, [Re: somo]
Michael Offline
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Registeret: 23/06/2008
Indlæg: 1142
Det er forfærdeligt, det, som du gør, Somo.

Du svigter dine fæller og røber hemmeligheder, som ikke burde røbes.

På baggrund af dine oplysninger er Dansk Folkeparti ved at udarbejde et lovforslag, som vil medføre, at alle muslimer, der kommer til Danmark skal tvangsfodres med svinekoteletter.

Hvad skal vi gøre ved det? stortchock
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#18494 - 20/09/2014 16:54 Re: Vær forsigtig,,,,, [Re: Michael]
ole bjørn Offline
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Registeret: 30/03/2008
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Sted: Sverige/Danmark

Der er kræfter i gang i de andre partier for at komme med en afværge-dagsorden, hvor forslaget er modificeret til, at de kan nøjes med at spise en pølse og tegne en tegning af Muhammed. griner


Ole Bjørn :o)

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#18505 - 23/09/2014 09:44 Re: Vær forsigtig,,,,, [Re: ole bjørn]
somo Online   content
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Registeret: 14/07/2012
Indlæg: 1473
(Most scientific conversation) sent by British Minister
Bob : Tell me why is it that a Muslim is very particular about the words Halaal and Haraam; what do they mean?

BM: That which is permissible is termed Halaal and that which is not permissible is termed Haraam and it is the Quran which draws the distinction between the two.

Bob: Can you give me an example?

BM: Yes, Islam has prohibited blood of any type. You will agree that a chemical analysis of blood shows that it contains an abundance of uric acid, a chemical substance which can be injurious to human health.

Bob: You're right about the toxic nature of uric acid, in the human
being it is excreted as a waste product and in fact we are told that 98% of the body's uric acid is extracted from the blood by the kidneys and removed through urination.

BM: Now I think that you'll appreciate the special prescribed method of animal slaughter in Islam.

Bob: What do you mean?

BM: You see, the wielder of the knife, whilst taking the name
of the 'Almighty', makes an incision through the jugular veins, leaving all other veins and organs intact.

Bob : I see, this causes the death of the animal by a total loss of blood from the body, rather than an injury to any vital organ.

BM: Yes, were the organs, example the heart, the liver, or the brain crippled or damaged, the animal could die immediately and its blood would congeal in its veins and would eventually permeate the flesh. This implies that the animal flesh would be permeated and contaminated with uric acid and therefore very poisonous; only today did our dieticians realize such a thing.

Bob: Again, while on the topic of food; Why do Muslims condemn the eating of pork or ham or any foods related to pigs or swine

BM: Actually, apart from the Quran prohibiting the consumption of
pork, bacon (pig flesh); in fact the Bible too in Leviticus Chapter 11: Verse 8, regarding swine it says, 'of their flesh (of the swine, another name for pig) shall you not eat, and of their carcass you shall not touch; they are unclean to you.' Further, did you know that a pig cannot be slaughtered at the neck for it does not have a neck; that is according to its natural anatomy. A Muslim reasons that if the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for human consumption the Creator would have provided it with a neck. Nonetheless, all that aside, I am sure you are well informed about the harmful effects of the consumption of pork, in any form, be it pork chops, ham, bacon.

Bob: The medical science finds that there is a risk for various diseases the pig is found to be a host for many parasites and potential diseases.

BM: Yes, even apart from that, as we talked about uric acid content in the blood, it is >>important to note that the pig 's biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content, the remaining 98% remains as an integral part of the body. Plus as everyone knows that swine (pig) eats its own excretion, which means that of all the uric acid and the other waste products excreted, most of it goes back inside again.
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#18507 - 23/09/2014 11:53 Re: Vær forsigtig,,,,, [Re: somo]
Michael Offline
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Registeret: 23/06/2008
Indlæg: 1142

Ikke hvad der går ind i mennesket gør mennesket urent for det kommer ind og føres ud igen ad naturlig vej.

Men det, som kommer ud af mennesket gør mennesket urent for det kommer fra hjertet.

Yderligere Jesus:

Og jeres tale skal være ja, ja eller nej, nej. Hvad der er udover det, er af det onde.

(Frit erindret fra hukommelsen). smiler
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