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Emne: Re: Ny Baby Tillykke

11. Being breast fed reduces illnesses resulting from allergies such as asthma, eczema, etc, and helps prevent or reduce some diseases when the child is in the teenage years and above.

12. Diabetes and some digestive problems are found less in breast fed children.

13. Breast feeding helps ill children recover faster; therefore, it is important that it is not stopped during this time.

14. Breast milk is easy and quick to digest, therefore, breastfed children tend to get hungry faster than children fed on other types of milk.

15. Breast milk is always ready and has no need for any preparation.

16. Breast milk never spoils or becomes sour, even if the child hasn’t fed for a few days.

17. Regular feeding, and feeding when the child desires it, prevents conception.

18. The regular contact between mother and child in the first days of its life increases the spiritual and physical bond between the two, leading to a deep and loving relationship and better training and fostering of the child.

19. Breast milk doesn’t require any expenses.

20. Breastfed children develop sight and talking and walking skills faster.
مسلمين أمريكا يقومون بحملة "يد بيد مع هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر"
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