Actual reality

Indsendt af: lindoooo

Actual reality - 11/05/2012 03:09

Actual reality

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you ...

1 - Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him told us about many signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he said: (one of these signs is that money will increase and trade will increase) [Narrated by Al-Nasaei] today, trade became the backbone of the world economy. That wasn't known at the time of the prophet when trade was known but agriculture was the most famous activity. Who told our prophet about that?

2 - The prophet said that day of resurrection will not come till: (husband obeys his wife and to be impious to his mother and turns away from his father) {Narrated by Al-Termizi}, today courts are full of cases between parents and sons and daughters because of the impiety of those sons and daughters ....... that wasn't known at the time of the prophet. Researchers confirm that the phenomenon of impiety is increasing which is a clear evidence that day of resurrection is near. The question is, who told our prophet about that?

3 - The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you) {narrated by Al-Bukari}, today we can see there are a lot of money between people so that we can find some people who possess billions, this phenomenon wasn't known at the time of the prophet, don't we be ready for day of resurrection?

4 - Today, women are playing a vital role in economic and politics and also they have a basic role in factories, information and many trading positions and there are separate associations for business women. All of these weren't known at the time of the prophet and no on even thought that it may happen. The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till women participates withtheir husbands in trade) {narrated by Ahmed}, Glory to Allah Almighty.

5 - The prophet says: (day of resurrection will not come till man do adultery with woman in the street), look at some western countries where people are used to do such action in the streets and on beaches. Unfortunately some Muslim countries are used to imitate these western countries. Who told prophet Mohamed peace be upon him about that?.

6 - The prophet said: (wait for day of resurrection to come if people waste the trust) {narrated by Al-Bukari}, today, we can see many cases in courts because of wasting the trust between people. We can find millions of cases because of embezzlement and cheating. That wasn't known at the time of the prophet and no one ever imagined that trust between people will be lost.It is a proof that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty.

7 - Today, we can hear some rumors about the imminence of day of resurrection, one of these rumors that day of resurrection will be in December 2012 because scientists said that some horrible phenomena will occur on that day. The truth is in December 2012 some usual phenomena will happen. Allah Almighty says about day of resurrection: (They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): "When will be its appointed time?" Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (Alone). None can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden through the heavens and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all of a sudden. "They ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it. Say:" The knowledge thereof is with Allah (Alone ) but most of mankind know not. ") {Sûrat Al-A'râf-The Heights-verse187}

8 - The prophet said "one of the signs for the imminence of day of resurrection is that men will imitate women and women will imitate men" {narrated by Abo-Naeem} now, this phenomenon is spreading and we can find many countries that allow marriage between man and man and also between woman and woman. That wasn't known at the time of the prophet, who told him this future phenomenon? Isn't clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty?

9 - The prophet says (adultery and drinking alcohol are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari], if we walk around in the streets of many countries we can find people are drinking alcohol and performing adultery and because of that AIDS is around us in all over the world. Who told the prophet peace be upon him about that?

10 - (Appearance of pen ...) [Narrated by Ahmed] is one of the signs that day of resurrection is near according to the saying of the prophet peace be upon him. Today, we can see the magnificent development in writing by using computers in magazines, newspapers and books as there are millions of printed papers in a daily basis. Who told the prophet this piece of information at the time when only a few number of people were perfectly writing in the entire city of Mekka. This is clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty.

11 - The prophet said: ("me and day of resurrection are sent like those" and he referred by his two fingers) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]. The scientists say that the age of universe is 13.5 billion years andthe age of man is indeed less than that because Allah Almighty sent the prophet only 1400 years ago and if we divides 1400 by 13,500,000,000 theresultis0.0000001

Hence the prophetic likening is precise to demonstrate that day of resurrection is so near to us.

12 - The prophet said about one of the signs for the imminence of day of resurrection: (people will build high buildings ...) [narrated by Al-bukhari and Muslim], now we see many countries are racing to build the tallest building like these skyscrapers, who told the prophet peace be upon him this piece of future information1400 years ago?

13 - The prophet said: (day of resurrection will not come till trials appear, lying increases, markets becomes near to each other and time converges) [narrated by Ahmed]

Today, it is easy to find all of these phenomena as we find lot of trials, lying and the excessive use of information technology which made markets so closed to each other. Who told our prophet peace be upon himabout all of that?

14 - The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till science disappear) [narrated by Al-Bukhari], today we can find some scholars who permit usury, accept kiss between man and woman and allow smoking in the holy month of Ramadan. Today, some TV stations let those kind of scholars to appear on air and speaks to people, isn't right that science disappears and illiteracy appears?

15 - The prophet peace be upon him said: (some people will permit alcohol and will name it by different names) {narrated by Ahmed} today, there are different names for alcohol such as beer, vodka, whisky, all of these names weren 't known at the time of the prophet, who told him this information?

16 - The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come tillyou see some great things that you didn't see before or even talked yourselves about it.) [Narrated by Ahmed], look at all of these new inventions such as internet, mobiles, TV, weapons, some diseases like AIDS and swine flu, ..... all of these are clear evidences that Mohamedis a prophet from Allah Almighty.

17 - The prophet peace be upon him said to his companions: (at the end of the time you will find humiliation, defamation and metamorphosis, they asked when and the prophet replied when you see a lot of musicinstrumentsand songstresses) [narrated by IbnMaga] .

Today, you can see the Widespreadof music all over the world and also those tens of thousands of women dancers and singers. Also, there are thousands of satellite channels that presentdancing and singing day and night. This phenomenon wasn't known at the time of the prophet, and no one ever predicted that this phenomenon may occur one day.

18 - Before Islam people used to believe that Sirius star is a god who can benefit and harm people, but the Qur'an corrected this wrong beliefand confirmed that Sirius is a star which was created by Allah Almighty who says: (And that He ( Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the star which the pagan Arabs used to worship)) {Sûrat An-Najm-The Star-verse49}, isn'ta clear evidence that Islam is a divine religion as it let people get rid of the habit of worshiping some creatures that cause no harm or benefit.

19 - Allah Almighty says: (And they will find all that they did, placed before them) {Sûrat Al-Kahf-The Cave-verse49}, this verse confirms that man will find what he or she did in front of him or her , the question is how can we imagine that man may find all of previous events between his or her hands? The Theory of relativity say that if we became able to move in a speed equals to the light speed, time will stop at that point and if we exceeds that speed we might be able to see the past events. Glory to Allah Almighty

20 - The scientists say that the universe is expanding till vacuums and gaps occurs which will cause the universe to collapse. Allah Almighty told us about this cosmicphenomenon as He Almighty says: (When the heaven is cleft asunder) {Sûrat Al-Infitâr-verse1}, glory to Allah Almighty

Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 11/05/2012 03:44

Endnu flere trosbekendelser, uden forklaring for indholdets relevans - trist syn...

Indsendt af: ole bjørn

Re: Actual reality - 11/05/2012 09:16

In islamic ruled countries children are indoctrinated with the Quran from an early age. The quran schools do not teach them to distinguish between lies and truth, so therefore they readily believe whatever they are told by the religious authorities.

lindoooo is a sad example of this. He just repeats what he is told and are not able to answer even those simple questions, which I put to him, namely:

Why are shia- and sunni-moslems killing each other?

Which of those have the right faith?

What country do you live in?

Since he doesn't even know the difference between sunni and shia, and don't know which country he lives in, it is understandable, that he doesn't know that his writings are false interpretations of the Quran. It is very doubtful, that he knows the truth about the Quran, which is suppressed by the rulers of his country to maintain control over the people.

In many islamic countries in the middle east the intelligent part of the people have discovered that, and are now rebelling against the rulers who is suppressing democracy and human rights and are killing their own people.

The true Quran states, the moslems should not kill each other, but obviously lindoooo doesn't know the true Quran, only the false version he was told and which he cites on these pages.

It is all lies, as everyone here can see.


Ole Bjorn :o)

Indsendt af: lindoooo

Re: Actual reality - 11/05/2012 20:02

peace be upon you

Your words is incorrect

-Holy Qur'an revealed to Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him by the Messenger of
revelation Gabriel peace be upon him

In 23 years

Remember Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
the Holy Qur'an
And see the re-Qur'an recitations twice
before his death
The pinnacle of his friends, God bless them

Completed conservation and companions in the
life of the Holy Qur'an the Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him

And completed companions conservation Holy
In the life of the Prophet Muhammad peace
be upon him

That the Almighty will take care of himself
save it from any distortion of the previous
divine books such as

Torah and the Gospels
God says in the Holy Qur'an

(9) Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an
and indeed, We will be its guardian

(42) Falsehood cannot approach it from before
it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation
from a [Lord who is] Wise and Praiseworthy

-Blind his sense of hearing is stronger than
any normal human

Blindness is not a blind eye
Blindness of the heart and stall

Praise be to God
Muhammad peace be upon him
Messenger of Islam

I learned from it
- Verbal polite to talk with the Muslim and non-Muslim
- To speak the truth and telling the truth
Do not lie to myself and to others
Many people lie?

Abdullah bin Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Truth leads to piety and piety leads to Jannah. A man persists in speaking the truth till he is enrolled with Allah as a truthful. Falsehood leads to vice and vice leads to the Fire (Hell), and a person persists on telling lies until he is enrolled as a liar".[Agreed upon].

Siddiq (veracious) and Kadhdhab (liar) both are adjectives of intensive degree. That is to say, the words stand respectively for someone whose truth has become his second nature; and in the opposite case, one is a liar who is in the habit of telling lies. As one acquires a reputation in this world for his good or bad deeds similar is his position before Allah. One who is ranked among the truthful with Him is entitled to reward, and if one is a liar, he has to suffer retribution for it. This Hadith provides incentive for truthfulness because it is a source of every good deed and contains a warning against lying as it gives rise to all kinds of mischief.

What is the difference between Sunnis and Shiites?


Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 12/05/2012 08:02

..for thy loving heart..;)

Indsendt af: lindoooo

Re: Actual reality - 14/05/2012 02:07
Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 14/05/2012 08:06
Indsendt af: ole bjørn

Re: Actual reality - 14/05/2012 09:45

Denne version er meget bedre, Simon, men det er ikke sikkert, at lindoooo forstår talt engelsk. Det lærer de jo ikke i koran-skolerne.

Indsendt af: lindoooo

Re: Actual reality - 14/05/2012 19:24
Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 15/05/2012 07:36

Jamen de er jo nydelige, alle zu hobe - har stadig flere "As you like it, Charlie Brown, Peanuts books", ja måske det var noget DR sku' servere mere af, for børn uden alder, sådan en lørdag aften i bedste sendetid, fremfor alt deres voldsgejl.

Hvad lindo angår, er han tydeligvis præget af den gamle men dårlige idé, at argumentere for trosanskuelser med trosbekendelser, nu også i billedsprog. Serveres han imidlertid lign. sprogblomster, synes der dog ikke at være hul igennem. Så det regner rigtig nok kun fra himmelnissen.

Han tror, fordi han ønsker at tro, ikke fordi han ka' arumentere for sit verdensbillede med gyldige argumenter - det er fint nok, han er jo i godt selskab og ingen bør blive sure. Men trosanskuelserne har sjovt nok beskæftiget de skarpeste teologer i århundreder, apologeterne har formuleret sig skævbenede i det ene "bevis" efter det andet, uden at opnå andet end logiske paradokser og selvmodsigelser.

Vi ser den ene gang efter den anden, hvorledes åbne døre sparkes ind med rent tull. Videnskaben "beviser" ikke, men tilbyder sandsynlige forklaringer - verden og naturen kan langt henad vejen forklares ved hjælp fysik og kemi, intet tyder på at der findes noget udenfor det materialistiske verdensbillede. Faktisk findes der masser af religiøse mennesker, der end dog aktivt bekæmper mulige forklaringer. De er ikke det mindste interesseret i at finde ud af om deres tro kan forklares rationelt, eller om fænomenerne kan ha' en mindre eksotisk oprindelse end som eksistensen af noget guddommeligt. Arne er jo et flot eksempel på en der kæmper med næb og kløer for at finde de mindste sprækker i betragtninger med plads til lidt guddommelighed, hvor den ene historiske person efter den anden hives frem til forklaring af hans egen tro, der imidlertid sjovt nok altid ender i vasken. Ja, morsomme grejer, denne yuo like it, Charlie Brown..;)

morn' dér
Indsendt af: treram

Re: Actual reality - 15/05/2012 07:57

Morn Simon.

Jamen dog du mener vel ikke de er nydelige alle disse usoignerede julenisser, den ene ser mere vild ud end den anden, de taler og taler men siger intet andet end bavl og hvor er alle kvinderne henne?? de sidder hjemme fastlænket til køleskabet, så de ikke finder på ulykker, mens den med koran hjernevaskede ægtemand er til møde.

De eneste kvinder der får lov at medvirke er de tosser, der af en eller anden mystisk grund konverterer til deres egen undergang, en form for sadomasochisme, men herefter hører vi aldrig til dem igen, de er blevet opslugt af det uhyggelige og grimme koranmonster for evigt.

Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 15/05/2012 17:00

Hej Treram..

Der ska' ik' lægges mer idet end det ka' bære, men så igen, samme gælder flere andre historier vi præsenteres for i denne tråd..;)

"De eneste kvinder der får lov at medvirke er de tosser, der af en eller anden mystisk grund konverterer til deres egen undergang, en form for sadomasochisme, men herefter hører vi aldrig til dem igen".

- De få kvinder der hopper på den galaj ka' sikert tælles på få hænder. Svært at se friheden i så "fængslende" en religion og kultur, men ikke svært at forstå de kvinder synger lovsange om deres nye udkigstårne, nejvel. Ja, man ka' så afgjort undres over valget.

Indsendt af: lindoooo

Re: Actual reality - 15/05/2012 21:07
Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 16/05/2012 06:32

Her lidt tankegods, der naturligvis er henvendt til også din kollega Arne, indenfor den mere eller mindre skjulte religiøse demagogi, og som behandler spm. til fakta og værdisyn i forbindelse med synspunkter vedr. naturvidenskaber som principiel markør. Tankegodset behandler fx. spm. om hvorvidt videnskaber kan/skal def. moralske barometre for os, i hvilken udstrækning de i princippet ka’ fortælle os hvilke værdier vi skal vælge, uanset vi før eller siden endeligt selv må foretage visse valg, dette belyst med fx. hvorledes sociale emotioner trommes ind i os og emulgeres gennem kulturer men i kraft af evolution. Men hør debatten som udvikler sig på flotte view.
Pointen her er selvsagt ikke at skubbe yderligere til din ”videoekspansion”, men at få religiøse overdrev som du og Arne til at argumentere fornuftigt for jeres religion som en værdifuld nødvendig faktor, der vil kunne fungere som redskab for moralske værdisyn såvel som værktøj til forklaring af naturen. Dels går jeg m.a.o. udfra du forstår hvorfor der skelnes mellem videnskab/religion, videre at du forstår hvorfor trosbekendelser samt salmesang i øvrigt ikke vil betragtes som forklaring for standpunkter du indtager og agiterer for – vi må alle argumentere for meninger vi favoriserer, i særlig grad når vi agiterer for dem, samme gælder dig. Det er fin debat, så læg hovedet på sned og kritiser gerne, god fornøjelse...

Indsendt af: lindoooo

Re: Actual reality - 16/05/2012 11:37
Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 16/05/2012 16:21
Indsendt af: Anonym

Re: Actual reality - 11/09/2012 15:01
Majesty the word of God and the name of the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad appears in the sky الله-محمد) )
Indsendt af: Anonym

Re: Actual reality - 12/09/2012 17:55

Is this the Majesty of Allah and his prophet Muhammad?

Indsendt af: Michael

Re: Actual reality - 12/09/2012 21:13

I do not know who Allah and his prophet Muhammed is. Some projections of your own self, maybe?

But if you, when you say Allah, means God (the one without name), then the answer is no.

God is love and understanding.

Anything that is not love and kindness... not God. smiler
Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 13/09/2012 08:18

"God is love and understanding. Anything that is not love and kindness".

- Sludder. Menneskelige egenskaber som kærlighed, venlighed og forståelse blir ikke til guder - helt som guder jo ikke blir til gulerødder, blot fordi du vælger at kalde dine gulerødder for guder..;)
Så selvbedrag skabt gennem sproglig forvirring er hverken spændende eller nyt - heller ikke som "gudommelige selvbedrag", alt sammen er set i repriser Mitch.

Indsendt af: treram

Re: Actual reality - 13/09/2012 09:30

Allah and the prophet Muhammad the Horror emsemble in whose names the muslims uses every posibility to show their terrorist way of behavior, like the attack on the american embassy i Libya last night killing the ambassador and 3 other members of the embassy, thats the way the muslims pays back the help they get from other countries in solving their problems, with dictators and extremist.

Maybe its time for the muslims to solve their problems by themselves, maybe they shouldn´t be counting on getting more help,its all the same, in Afghanistan, Pakistan they kill the personel who is in charge of educating the military and police persons, and the troops from other countries, get killed by military persons they have helped and armed, when they are trying to help figthing the Talibans, the extremists who is keeping the girls and women out of schools and education of any sort, and keep them prisoned in their Burkas like animals.
Thats is some very strange way of saying; Thank you.

They are waiting for just any opportunity to show their madness to the world, maybe its the time to stop the madness now once for all, as long as the islam exist the world will be in danger, one day the muslims will have spread all over the world in so large numbers they could overrun the countries they are staying in, and in the worst scenario we´ll all be muslims or die.

Indsendt af: Michael

Re: Actual reality - 13/09/2012 19:21

''Når de dumme hører om Tao, så griner de.''

Hvis de ikke grinede, ville Tao ikke være hvad det er.''

Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 14/09/2012 16:25

Hej Mitch,

"Når de dumme hører om Tao, så griner de".

- hvor stammer citatet her fra?

Indsendt af: Michael

Re: Actual reality - 16/09/2012 01:50

Fra Tao te King, selvfølgelig. En af vores verdens få virkelig hellige bøger. Har du læst den?

For øvrigt er det det ikke et citat, blot en måde at udtrykke sig på (og måske en skjult opfordring til selv at læse bogen).

Næ - intet citat - men noget jeg oplever hele tiden fra alle de ustuderede røvere som omgiver mig.

Har du læst Jack London forøvrigt? Ham elsker jeg, jeg har læst alle hans bøger.Sikke en visdom, man kan finde der.

Wow, er livet ikke herligt, hvis man tør leve det? smiler

Indsendt af: Simon

Re: Actual reality - 16/09/2012 11:37

"Fra Tao te King, selvfølgelig. En af vores verdens få virkelig hellige bøger. Har du læst den?".

- Nej.

"For øvrigt er det det ikke et citat, blot en måde at udtrykke sig på".

- Almindeligvis må alt vi sætter i citationstegn på debatter jo betragtes som citater. Letter jo bare forståelsen, men ok.

"Har du læst Jack London forøvrigt? Ham elsker jeg, jeg har læst alle hans bøger.Sikke en visdom, man kan finde der"

- Kun "Ulvehunden", mener jeg den hedder, som jeg læste i barndomsårene - hvor jeg a propos din interesse for eventyr, mindes at ha' være imponeret over Aubrey Menen's gendigtning af "Ramayana", som jeg arvede i en smuk udg. og stadig har. Som hos andre flest, var historierne det væsentlige, helt som gælder det "Ringenes Herre" og "Sære Historier" m.m. hvor man pludselig oplever at være gået over for rødt.
En anden fabelagtig historie er "Tante Julia og Poeten" af Mario Vargas Llosa, har du ikke læst den, ja så har du den tilgode! ;)
