Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre

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Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 27/09/2014 14:53

Det er intet mindre end surrealistisk gang på gang at overvære, når det ene sludrevorne jakkesæt efter det andet gør latterlige forsøg på at frikende islam, når muslimske terrorister igen igen begår uhyrlige forbrydelser på deres ”religions” vegne.

Obama, John Kerry, David Cameron og minsandten Lars Løkke, der tilsyneladende har erhvervet sig så megen ”viden” om islam, at han kan hævde, at IS ”voldtager islam”.

Når Obama holder fri fra golfbanen, går en god del af hans tid med at holde lavkomiske taler i FN eller andre steder.
Senest hævdede han i FN, at ”islam betyder fred”.

Nej! Islam betyder underkastelse. Der er absolut ingen fred for dem, der nægter at underkaste sig, om de så er muslimer, der af andre muslimer udnævnes til at være kættere, eller hvis de er ”polyteister” eller ”vantro”. Når det handler om de sidstnævnte, så prædiker islam jihad imod dem, hvis de nægter at acceptere ”kaldet” til at konvertere.

De i antal hastigt voksende jihadister, som Obama skældte ud for at være ekstremister, ”der har perverteret en af verdens store religioner”, og som kidnapper, torturerer, voldtager, halshugger, korsfæster, legemsamputerer og slavegør mennesker rundt omkring på kloden handler i fuld overensstemmelse med islams doktriner og Muhammads egen tidligere praksis.

Hvad er islam?

Islam er, hvad der står i koranen, og det som Muhammad i henhold til Hadith og Sira sagde og gjorde. Så enkelt er det.

IS har ikke foretaget sig noget som helst, som Muhammad ikke også gjorde.

IS perverterer på ingen måde islam. IS er ren og ufortyndet islam.

Det er islam, der er perverteret.

Islam er en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden.
Indsendt af: ole bjørn

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 27/09/2014 17:21

Hvad du skriver om islam, er fuldstændigt korrekt, Mofoe. Islam er den mest voldelige og menneskefjendtlige religion i verden. Hvad du skriver om Obama, John Kerry og David Cameron og andre politikere er derimod ikke "lavkomisk", men realpolitik.

Hvad det handler om for Vesten er netop at drive kiler ind i den muslimske verden og udnytte, at de fleste muslimer kun hykler at følge koranen, som de er født ind i, men hvis voldelige budskab de ikke har lyst til at følge. Problemet for dem er, at de selv bliver forfulgt, hvis de vover at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved doktrinen om, at koranen er guds ord.

Vores held er, at selv de fundamentalistiske muslimer er indbyrdes uenige, og meget gerne vil slå hinanden ihjel. Det bør vi så hjælpe dem med, så denne pest kan blive udryddet så hurtigt som muligt, for når alle fundamentalisterne er døde, bliver der mulighed for at tolke koranen efter de suraer, som Muhammed prædikede i Mekka, hvor han manede til fred. Det var først da han blev jaget ud af Mekka, at han ændrede sine prædikener og gjorde islam til en voldsreligion. Så det andet problem med islam er, at de senere suraer fra Medina abrogerer (overtrumfer) de tidligere, så de giver fundamentalisterne et alibi for at slå alle ihjel, der ikke vil underkaste sig deres voldsregime.

Så det er smart af de vestlige ledere at tale de fredelige muslimer efter munden, og få dem til at hjælpe sig med at slå fundamentalisterne ihjel. De gør jo blot det samme som fundamentalisterne, som ifølge koranen har pligt til at lyve, hvis det kan fremme islams herredømme. Så tro ikke et øjeblik, at politikerne siger, hvad de i virkeligheden mener. Det gør de stort set aldrig, for sådan er politik jo. Løgn er en absolut nødvendighed for at gøre karriere i politik. smiler


Ole Bjørn :o)

Indsendt af: somo

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 30/09/2014 08:57

Siden indførelsen af ​​islam, Besked til menneskeheden op til det øjeblik, forlod sine modstandere ingen mulighed for at forpurre det og bremse dens tilhængere. Lige fra dag ét, de gjorde deres bedste for at dræbe det i opløbet ved hjælp af forskellige måder.

På grund af det faktum, at denne nye religion besidder alle mennesker lige med hensyn til rettigheder, pligter, menneskelig værdi, etc, uanset deres etniske, sociale eller økonomiske baggrunde, de rige og ledende skikkelser i Mekka, de frygtede, at de ville miste deres prestige og rigdom, stod hårdnakket i lyset af den daværende spirende Meddelelse. De forsøgte at sætte forskellige former for forhindringer for at hindre udbredelsen af ​​islam, i febrilske forsøg på at bevare deres positioner, og forhindre enhver form for trussel mod deres interesser.

I deres krig mod islam, de forsøgte mange slags våben: kropslig tortur, økonomiske sanktioner, falsk propaganda og finansiel forførelse, hvoraf ingen var nogen frugt.

Med hjælp fra Allah, Den Mest Ophøjede, så viljen, tålmodighed og udholdenhed af profeten Muhammed sallâ Allâhu `alaihi wa sallam (må Allah ophøje hans omtale) og hans trofaste følgesvende må Allah være tilfreds med dem islam kunne bestå alle de hårde tests . Den overlevede alle de prøvelser og udvidet sin spændvidde til at omfatte ikke blot den arabiske halvø, snarere rummelige lander udenfor.

Ved det tiende århundrede, islam blev den vigtigste religion, eller i det mindste, religion for flertallet af nationer i et område, der dækker mere end halvdelen af ​​den civiliserede verden strækker sig over tre kontinenter fra Pyrenæerne og Sibirien i vest og nord Europa til den fjerneste slutningen af ​​Asien, op til Kina og Ny Guinea i øst; fra Marokko i Nordafrika til den sydlige spids af Afrika, der dækker to tredjedele af det afrikanske kontinent.

Det er en af ​​de mest markante kendsgerninger af menneskets historie, at udbredelsen af ​​islam i løbet af sådan et stort område fandt sted inden for tre århundreder. Mest slående af alt, inden for et halvt århundrede efter Hijrah (profeten Muhammeds sallâ `alaihi wa sallam (må Allah ophøje hans omtale) Migration fra Mekka til Al-Madeenah), havde islam allerede erobret hele Nordafrika fra Egypten til Marokko, alle de mellemøstlige lande fra Yemen til Kaukasien og fra Egypten til de landområder uden Centralasien (del af Centralasien svarer omtrent med moderne Usbekistan og sydvest Kasakhstan).

Hvad gør islam spredes?

Der er mange grunde til, at nationer har, fra fortid til nutid, så klar til at omfavne Islam, hvad der er påpeget af Muhammad Asad, en jødisk konvertit til islam, sandsynligvis blive den ypperste:

"Islam forekommer mig som en perfekt stykke arkitektur. Alle dets dele er harmonisk udtænkt til at supplere og støtte hinanden, intet mangler, med det resultat af en absolut balance og solid fatning. Alt i undervisning og postulatet om islam er i sin korrekte sted. "[Islam at the Crossroads, s.5]

De fleste af vestlige forfattere, især dem under påvirkning af Kirken, har aldrig kunne beskylde islam for spredning ved sværdet. Årsagerne til denne fordom ligger primært i, at udbredelsen af ​​islam ofte har fundet sted på bekostning af kristendommen. Mens Islam har i århundreder fået mange konverteringer fra kristendommen uden megen indsats eller organiserede missionsvirksomhed, kristendommen har næsten aldrig været i stand til at opnå konverteringer fra islam på trods af sofistikerede midler og velorganiserede missionsvirksomhed, og det har altid været på et ulempe i sin konkurrence med islam i fjorten århundreder.

Dette har medført sine missionærer og de fleste af orientalister at udvikle en kompleks i sig selv ved at afbilde islam og indføre det som en regressiv, vulgær religion vilde mennesker.

Hvis historien skal læses med en objektiv øje, vil sådanne påstande let debunked.

Ud over mange andre grunde, som er ansvarlige for udbredelsen af ​​islam, er det eksemplarisk livsstil og uophørlige bestræbelser på enkelte muslimer til at transmittere meddelelsen af islam i hele verden, der ligger til grund for erobringen af ​​hjerter af Islam . Islamisk universalisme er tæt forbundet med princippet om "påbød det gode« for islam skal spredes af muslimer ved hjælp af dette princip. Dette princip skal overbringe islams budskab til alle mennesker i verden og at etablere en model islamiske samfund på et verdensplan.

Blandt hver fire mennesker i verden, en af ​​dem er muslimer. Muslimer er steget med over 235% i de sidste halvtreds år op til næsten 1,6 mia. Til sammenligning har de kristne kun steget med 47% ... Islam er den næststørste religiøse gruppe i Frankrig, Storbritannien og USA.

Følgende statistik viser vækst af islam i verden fra (1989-1998):

Nordamerika: (25%)

Afrika: (2,15%)

Asien: (12,57%)

Europa: (142,35%)

Latinamerika: (4,73%)

Australien: (257,01%)

Vestlige hård mediekampagne mod islam og muslimer eskalerede efter 11. september angrebene. Tendentiøse medier, især i USA, styrtede ind i et febrilsk konkurrence for at skildre islam som en religion baseret på vildskab, intolerance og blod-tørst.

Ikke kun i medierne var muslimer chikaneret i USA, Storbritannien, Australien, og andre europæiske lande; snarere, blev de angrebet fysisk i deres hjem, på gaden, på offentlige steder, og i deres moskeer, islamiske centre, etc. Den samme holdning blev desværre opretholdt mod Noble islams profet sallâ Allâhu `alaihi wa sallam (må Allah ophøje hans omtale) og Noble Koranen.

Islamofobi nåede sit højdepunkt, da en dansk avis offentliggjorde afskyelige karikaturer afbilleder profeten sallâ Allâhu `alayhi wa sallam (må Allah ophøje hans omtale) som en terrorist. Den ædle Quran blev også skændet i USA og visse andre lande, hvilket indikerer den dybe had mod islam og muslimer.

Der har været mange stive regler og ekstremistiske procedurer vedtaget mod muslimer i USA og nogle europæiske lande, under påskud af deres "krig mod terror". Mange muslimske elever blev forbudt i at fuldføre deres studier, mange familier udstationeret, islamiske aktiviteter begrænses eller stoppes, muslimske mænd og kvinder, der udsættes for sofistikeret kontrol og screening procedurer i lufthavne, kvinder med hijab og mænd med skæg hånet eller chikaneret etc. Kort sagt, en muslim er blevet for dem et ord synonym til "mistanke".

Ikke desto mindre, selv efter begivenhederne i september, en bølge af nye muslimer omfavnede islam i hele verden. I USA alene, mere end 30000 personer omfavnede islam.

Inden år 2020 er islam forventes at blive den største religion i verden.

For at opsummere, på trods af alle de febrilske forsøg på den del af modstandere i Islam, gamle og nye, islam stadig fejer kloden let og fredeligt, og dermed erobre og lysende sind og hjerter, uanset hvor hårdt og indviklet deres sammensværgelser er. Allah, den mest glorværdige, siger i Koranen (hvad betyder): "Det er Ham (Allah) Hvem har sendt Sin Budbringer med vejledning og den sande religion for at manifestere det over al religion, . "[Koranen 9: 33]
Indsendt af: ole bjørn

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 30/09/2014 15:10

What are you, somo, sunni or shiit? Or mayby just shit.

Can you explain to me, why sunni muslims and shiit muslims are killing each other all over the world, and they both are involved in terror actions, that kills innocent people and children.

I know the Quran quite well, and I know, that the Quran orders you to lie, if this can promote islam. So how can we trust anything you say, since we already can see, that you are telling a lot of lies about how muslims behave in our country.

Why won't you admit to yourself, that Islam is a fraud, started by a mercyless robber and paedophile, and there is no allah in this universe. But you are probably afraid of beeing killed by your own kind, which is why islam is growing, since it threatens everybody with being killed, if they doubt the religion.

People like you are a menace to mankind and to freedom of faith.

Indsendt af: somo

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 05/10/2014 09:54

Always the same problem

Twisting and turning and distance from the truth

Baha'i, the Shiites and Ismailis
Have nothing to do with Islam
No matter how you try to prove a negative

An Alawi believes imam Ali was Imam on earth but Allah in the heavens ( as quoted In the Alawite secret text chapter 3).
Chapter 4 also explains that Imam Ali created Prophet Muhammad who created Salman Al Farsi.
They call them Mana, Isim, Bab respectively.
The meaning being Imam Ali, the guide and the front face being prophet Muhammad and the door being Salman al-Farsi
So do they believe they were god? Yes in a trinity, but not Allah on earth

Shia & Sunni what's real ISLAM?

I say the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith
Only the truth inside them
Bukhari is the book the right and the main source of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
And beyond ranging from Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi and Nasa'i and Ben Majah, and so on


Exact match between the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith and science
In all fields of medicine - Astronomy - Heaven - earth - space - self 00000
And the testimony of scientists

must study Quran and Hadith

Will say allah akbar
Indsendt af: somo

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 05/10/2014 09:56

Do not stop the goals of the Christians of this suspicion when trying to discredit Muslims in complete human beings and her master only , and try to keep out of view from the scandals of their holy book citizenship , .

- It was not the Holy Prophet peace be upon him is the first suitors to her, but was engaged "to bin Jubair restaurant " , which shows the maturity and completeness of femininity

- Were not his sermon, peace be upon him it is not the desire of his own , but was proposing "to Khawla girl wise" to the Prophet - peace be upon him - ; so as to consolidate the link with the love of his companions , which Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him , and when he suggested they think they are suitable for marriage and filling the vacuum after the death of Khadija God bless them .

- Of medically known that puberty in the tropics will be faster than in the less heat . May reach puberty when girls in the tropics to 8 or 9 years old.

Says Dr " Duschna " - an American female doctor - "The white girl in America could begin in adulthood when the seventh or eighth , and the girl with the African descent at the sixth . It is hard medically also that the first menstrual cycle known as the ( Alminark menarche) located between the age of ninth and fifteenth . "

- That the marriage of a man of the little girl is not a new invention in that era , and in the ages following him , especially in a country that is based on the tribal system , not least because of marriage

This is shown clearly in the words of Imam Zuhri : "If the collection of science Aisha to the attention of all the mothers of the believers , and learned all the women were aware of Aisha better ," says Ata ibn Abi Rabah : " Aisha was knowledgeable people , and I know people, the best people say in public ."

- Is most surprising is the refusal of Christians to the marriage of the Prophet - peace be upon him - and she was 9 years old , more than fifty , while do not see nothing wrong that was the Virgin Mary betrothed to Joseph , the daughter of a 12 -year-old , which is more than ninety , that is The difference between them was more than seventy-eight years , as reported by the Catholic Encyclopedia .

Nor is there in their book " The Holy " is one deny the marriage of girls at the age of nine , or even a single sentence specifying the age of marriage .

Did you have to marry the son of Ahaz 10 years , and fathered a son 11 years old , it is stated in 2 Kings 2:16 : « Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king , and he reigned 16 years in Jerusalem . Word in 2 Kings 2:18 : « In the third year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel , King Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah . Son was 25 years old when he became king , and he reigned 29 years in Jerusalem » . Ahaz age shall be 36 years . If the king and his son, aged about 25 years old whose father had Rizk by the age of about 11 years .

He said Kshm Manis Abdel Nour in his suspicions about the Bible : " I do not mind to be between him and his father 11 years " , and taking hits historical examples , it is known that the age of maturation of females at least the age of maturation of male in the same region , it means that his wife may have been in the ninth or tenth like him, and even to give birth was valid at that age, so why deny marriage to Aisha at such an age, and your book is not denied .

How deny marriage on the beloved prophet in the time that they believe in it that the prophets have committed sins and immorality of incest weight Lot - peace be upon him - his daughters , and the weight of David 's wife soldier with his army , but ordering the army commander him if the war to kill the enemy , and have no qualms in be described by Solomon - peace be upon him - disbelief , and he worshiped idols ; to in order to satisfy his wives gentile .

Indsendt af: somo

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 05/10/2014 09:59

None of the founders of religions demanded 'mind control' which is at its peak through Zionist-controlled Zionist media. The Creator sent some guidlines through His prophets to tell humans why they were created. The great majority of the followers of religions don't those guidelines - that's why we have the 1% slaughtering and squeezing blood of the remaining 99% population.

YES - the existence of the Creator cannot be proved in a test tube. However, if one can accept a man his / her father, because the woman who gave him / her birth say so - so why not accept the existence of a 'supernatural Power' if someone who is not Bill

Clinton or Elizbeth Taylor, say so ??
The Merciful
Has no father or mother or Wife
No partner with him in power
Owner of the heavens and the earth
Glorify him all creatures
That does not drink
That does not sleep
That does not eat
God says in the Quran

(255) Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kurs extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

1) Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One
(2) Allah , the Eternal Refuge
(3) He neither begets nor is born

60. Is not He (better than your gods) Who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down for you water (rain) from the sky, whereby We cause to grow wonderful gardens full of beauty and delight? It is not in your ability to cause the growth of their trees. Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but they are a people who ascribe equals (to Him)!

61. Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water).Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but most of them know not.

62. Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations. Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Little is that you remember!

63. Is not He (better than your gods) Who guides you in the darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain)? Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? High Exalted be Allah above all that they associate as partners (to Him)!

64. Is not He (better than your so-called gods) Who originates creation, and shall thereafter repeat it, and Who provides for you from heaven and earth? Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Say, "Bring forth your proofs, if you are truthful."
Indsendt af: somo

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 05/10/2014 10:05

To prove that the Qur’an is the Word of Allah, i do not have to indulge into futile discussions or philosophical dialect. You have at your disposal a “living material evidence,” the Qur’an itself. Starting with the null hypothesis, i.e., assuming that the Qur’an is not the word of God, one should ask himself: could a human being in the seventh century write such a book? Or does there exist—up till today—any book that is claimed to match the Qur’an?

Let us examine the Qur’an more closely. Starting with the content, could the knowledge therein have been within the reach of any human source, i.e., the Prophet Muhammad, his contemporaries, or the whole human civilization and for several centuries ahead? How could a book revealed at that point of history refer —in precise terms—to scientific phenomena and historical events—prior and subsequent—that were unknown or misunderstood before their subsequent verification?

These Qur’anic references cover such wide spectrum of topics as the nature of space, relativity of time, the shape and motion of the earth, the role of mountains, water for life, the water cycle, the sources of rivers and groundwater, sea depths, embryology, hygiene and proper health practices, prophecies fulfilled (after revelation), etc.

As to the form of the Qur’an—i.e., linguistic and literary features—any strict comparative analysis identifies the Qur’an to be not only superior to any other text—preceding or following, including the sayings of the Prophet himself, who received and delivered the revelation—but also to be a perfect, flawless and the most eloquent composition. This perfection can be witnessed and proved on the levels of the individual words (semantics), sentence (grammar and rhetoric), and whole surahs (chapters).

Thorough examination of the Qur’an shows that each of these elements was selected and phrased in the most appropriate manner to fulfill the most precise meaning and most effective impact, whether cognitive, psychological, passionate, or phonic, on the reader or listener. The Qur’an challenges mankind, Arabs and non-Arabs, to the end of time, to produce anything like or compared to itself. And so it is proved.

All that said can in itself be enough to answer your second question as to the existence of Allah Almighty. If the Qur’an is the true undisputed word of Allah, then it follows that whatever is in it is the absolute unquestionable truth.

Over the millennia, philosophers’ attempts to agree, through abstract arguments alone, on the existence of God, His attributes, and the way He interacts with His creatures, have all been futile. The human mind can only observe, measure, compare, correlate, and hence theorize, within the limited capacities created in Man, and no more.

Our senses have limits. For example, we can see only those bodies emanating light in the wavelength range of 0.4 to 0.7 microns, and can hear only those sounds in the frequency range of 2500 to 4000 cycle per second. In time and space our perception is limited by the velocity of light, since the visible universe is so wide as to be measured in billions of light years. This means that what we will ever see—however advanced our technology is—are only images from the far-deep past. Also, what we can see is essentially no more than an extremely minute fraction of the real existence.

We can know Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of this universe through His detectable creation. The harmonious “intelligent” physical systems in our bodies and other biological species (plant or animal), in matter in general (viewed at the sub-atomic or cosmic levels) boldly manifest the purposeful design, endless diversity, and sustainable precise running of all these systems. Allah only is the One God Who can consistently create and sustain such a marvelous, harmonious universe like this. Praise be to Him!

Abstract philosophical thinking alone could never and can never conclusively prove or disprove the presence and attributes of God. Proving the existence of God is and should always be beyond the reach of human philosophy. Philosophy cannot—in itself—produce or create knowledge, but only through concrete observations together with sensible percepts can it offer any sound conclusion.
Indsendt af: ole bjørn

Somo er tilhænger af Islamisk Stat. - 12/10/2014 07:36

Så længe somo blot kom med sine morsomme maskinoversættelser som propaganda for islam, kunne vi more os over hans naivitet. Men i sine seneste indlæg har han afsløret, at han er en del af ISIS, den islamiske terrororganisation som foreløbig har drevet 20 millioner mennesker på flugt fra deres hjem, som skærer deres modstanderes hoveder af og hænger dem op som skræk og advarsel, og har oprettet et umenneskeligt terrorregime, som hele den civiliserede verden inklusive alle moderate muslimer har vendt sig imod.

I ytringsfrihedens navn har somo fundet sig et fristed her på, hvor han kan propagandere for denne trosretning, som er værre end nazismen, og som vil have hele verden underlagt deres opfattelse af sharia.

Så lad os da i ytringsfrihedens navn give somo den skarpest mulige besked om, at her er han gået galt i byen, og at hans propaganda for Islamisk Stat totalt preller af på os her. Han er ikke repræsentativ for islam, men for de værste menneskelige egenskaber vi kender til, og som bør bekæmpes med alle midler, så ikke flere unge muslimer lader sig indfange af propagandaen.


Ole Bjørn :o)

Indsendt af: treram

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 13/10/2014 09:55

I can see the muslim have a great limits in their senses and it sure is the same with their intelligence, you wrote that we could only hear in a frequency range from 2500 cycles to 4000 cycles, real people not belonging to the muslim family with heavy reduced senses, can hear sounds from 25 cycles to about 20.000 cycles per second, quite a difference and that sure will be the same for the other senses you tried to descibe, which again is the proof that the fucking koran is just a shit of nothing like allah and muhammad, I now can see why everything goes wrong when you are reading the koran its all pigshit and is not to be taken serious at all.

So your proof that the koran is the word of a god showed us that it all was a proof that your god is just a mighty stupid fool and who of coarse only exist in the brain of brainwashed muslims like a parasit eating up your small muslim brain, which again explains the barbaric behaviour of islam.
Indsendt af: somo

Re: Islam har ikke noget med islam at gøre - 14/10/2014 10:24