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Skribent: Ipso Facto
Emne: Re: Danske værdier

Hej Ransom!

Påstande om, at en opponent foretager "fordrejninger", er "ensidig" eller fremsætter "konspirationsteorier" må dokumenteres, hvis nogen saglig debattør ellers skal tage din vurdering alvorligt.

I min kommentar har jeg i det mindste i et vist omfang dokumenteret hvorfor beskrivelsen af Dansk Folkeparti som et "forkrampet", "bagstræberisk" "nationalsocialistisk" parti ikke holder stik.

Man kan jo spørge debattørerne om de nogen sinde ved et valg er blevet bedt om at tage stilling til de aftaler som siden 1973 løbende blev indgået mellem EF/EU og den Arabiske Liga, kamufleret som parlamentariske dialoger stilende mod en en Euro-Arabisk politisk og kulturel akse kaldet EURABIA?

Faktum er, at befolkningen i Danmark alene har haft mulighed for at vise sin afstandtagen til det europæiske integrationsprojekt, når der skulle afgives endnu mere suverrænitet til en lidet demokratisk Europæisk Union. Når befolkningen stemte nej så resulterede det blot i et propagandabombardement, trusler og nye afstemninger. Men det lykkedes dog trods alt at få indføjet de fire danske forbehold, som eurokraterne lige siden har arbejdet på at få først udhulet og siden afskaffet.

Den anden mulighed for at vise sin utilfredshed med EU og Eurabia var ved at stemme på Dansk Folkeparti, hvilket som bekendt førte til systemskiftet i 2001.

Eurabia er ikke en konspiration i vanlig forstand, for det meste af hvad der blev aftalt med araberne kan dokumenteres. De møder der blev holdt for lukkede døre uden referat kan selvfølgelig ikke dokumenteres. Men resten burde også være tilstrækkeligt, for enhver borger kan med egne øjne se, at Europa er under islamisering og de demokratiske frihedsrettigheder knægtes af hensyn til islam og drømmen om det multikulturelle Eurabia.

Faktisk nåede samarbejdet mellem EU og araberne i den såkaldte Euro-Arabiske Dialog (EAD) et nyt skelsættende højdepunkt i skæbneåret 1983. Samme år hvor det alternative politiske flertal af politisk korrekte slog til på fremmed- og forsvarspolitikkens område.

Det år blev det famøse Hamburg Symposium nemlig afholdt, og mon ikke det er troligt at "de alternative" dér har hentet inspiration og moralsk støtte til at få åbnet Danmark helt op for muslimsk tilstrømning?

Jeg har tidligere dokumenteret hvad dette symposium handlede om, så for at få demonteret påstanden om, at EURABIA blot er en konspirationsteori analog med "Zions Vises Protokoller" eller den i islamiske kredse meget udbredte konspirationsteori, hvorefter det var jøderne eller CIA der stod bag terrorangrebet mod USA i dag for præcis 7 år siden og ikke de fredselskende muslimer, bringes det her til almindelige oplysning:

" ... Dokumentet i min besiddelse er på engelsk og fylder 6 bogsider. Jeg vil nedenfor gengive den fulde tekst i indledningen, der handler om prospekter for kulturel udveksling, samt afsnittet om "Social og kulturel Migration". De øvrige seks afsnit vil jeg alene angive i overskrifter, der mere end mange ord fortæller hvilke planer som søges gennemført.



(* Euro-Arab Dialogue. The relations between two cultures. Acts of the Hamburg symposium, April 11th to 15th 1983. English version edited by Derek Hopwood. (London: Croom Helm 1983), 305-16. Extracts.).

Prospects for Cultural Exchange

The workshop discussed the large number of proposals and also the means of putting some of them into effect. It was recognized that many axchanges, both personal and institutional, already take place and that nothing should be done to hinder or complicate the succesful working of these. Exchange and co-operation in many feilds were discussed: exchange agreement between universities, exchanges between studennts and teachers and others, in the field of creative arts, of audio-visual materials, co-operation in transportation, in transmitting Arabic publications to Europe, exbitions and publications. Instead of making an ambitious list of numerous proposals the following concrete recommendations were made:

1). A general cultural agreement should be consluded between the Arab League and the European Community within the framework of which more specilized agreements could operate. Such an agreement should delineate the areas within which cultural co-operation and exchange could take place.

2). A small joint permanent committee within the Euro-Arab Dialogue should be set up to monitor the working of the agreement, to examine and accept proposals for future projects and to ensure their execuution. ...

Suggested projects

1). The publication twice yearly of a Euro-Arab journal devoted to specific topics with Arab and European contributors.

2). To invite Arab professionnal Unions and theit members to conclude agreement with theit European ccounterparts to further cultural co-operation and exchange ... Such agreement should also include the encouragement of periodicals meetings between European and Arab Unions of Radio and Television and between Associations of Film Produccers and Actors to promote joint productions.

3). The convening of small, specialized or professional seminars on selected themes. Among topics already suggested are religious dialogue, Arab historiography, book publishing and librarianship, investigation of the contents of text books at all levels in the history of the two regions. The holding of a larger symposium every three years, to discuss inter alia the progress of the Euro-Arab Dialoggue and of cultural co-operation.

4). The urgent publication of the catalogue of cultural and scientific institutions which has already been started under the auspices of the Dialogue.


Social and Cultural Migration

3). The workshop noted the declaration on the "Principle governing the living and working of migrant workers in the two regions" adopted in the fourth session of the Dialogue General Commission (Damascus, December, 1978).
It was felt that the declaration, though incomplete in some respecs, is a landmark in the path of Euro-Arab cooperation in the sphere of migration.

In this document it has been stated that "a migrant worker and the member of his family shall, in the country were they legally reside and work, enjoy equality of treatment as to living and working conditions, wages and econimic rights, rights of association and the exercise of the basic public freedoms".

A declaration of principles, however, remains only a declaration, unless it is backed up by policies and programmes aimed at ensuring that the principles contained therein are implemented. It was felt that not enough was done to implement the tenets of the "declaration" since its adoption. The present state of migrant workers is a testimony to this fact.

4). The workshop convened for about double the time planned in the ariginal programme. ...
Specifically, it is recommended that a permanent institution should be created to ensure that research and exchange of information is undertaken on a continous basis to improve knowledge of the various aspects of migration between European and Arab countries and to formulate policies and programmes for the administartion of migration with the purpose of ensuring the highest level of welfare for the migrants themselves and maximum benefir for both countriies of origin and employment with a spiirit of genuine cooperation among the countries involved in the Dialoogue.

5). It is recommended that the social integration of migrant workers and their families in the most countries be facilitated by:

a) giving equal rights in access to the housing market, the labbour market and the educational system and to vocational and professional training,

b) making the general public more aware of the cultural background of migrants, e.g. by promoting cultural activities of the immigrant communities,

c) supplying adequate information on the culture of the migrant communities in the school curricula,

d) creating special schooling and training facilities for those who have functional relationships with the immigrants (e.g. civel servants, medical staff, members of the police force, teachers, social workers, etc.),

e) giving migrants access to the mass media in order to assure that migrants be in a position to recieve regular information in their own language about theit own culture as well as about the conditions of life in the host country.,

f) broadening cooperation between migrant groups and the national population and taking measures to ensure the participation of immigrant groups in the trade union activities and explore their participation in political life.

6). It is recommended that the Arab countries of origin strengthen their cultural support to Arab migrants in Europe.

On the other hand it is clear that more effecctive policies and programmes for the smooth reintegration of returning migrants are needed in the fields of job creation, housing, education of children, and social registration in Arab countries.

It is realized that rather severe constraints restrict the capabilities of Arab countries of emigration in this respect. It is hoped then that this situation wouuld give rise to specific forms of cooperation between European and Arab countries, e.g. in the form of training of returning migrants in skills needed in their countries of origin.


Co-operation in the Field of Language Teaching for Arabic and European Languages

The diffusion of the Arabic language and culture in the countries of the European community

The teaching of the Arabic language

The formation of experts


The teaching of European languages in the Arab world

Working party on co-operation in language proposed five year working programme

********* SLUT PÅ DOKUMENTTEKST ***********

Man bedes bemærke det tidsmæssige sammenfald mellem Hamburg symposiet og det alternative politiske flertals manifestation i folketinget, hvorved Danmark blev påtvunget verdens mest liberale fremmedlovgivning, vedtaget i 1983, med ikrafttræden 1984.

Dette til trods for, at et stort flertal i Folketinget ved oliekrisens begyndelse i 1973 vedtog en principerklæring om, at Danmark ikke er et indvandrerland.

Denne lille del af et enkelt dokument er selvfølgelig blot en lille flig i toppen af et mægtigt isbjerg der siden er vokset til helt gigantiske proportioner, efterhånden som stadig større dele af det kommer over "vandskorpen" og i offentlighedens og mediernes søgelys.

Hvis min opponents interesse for de historiske kendsgerninger omkring projekt EURABIA er ægte, skal jeg henvise dig til den mest autoritative bog om emnet, med masse af dokumentation i form af originale autentiske dokumenter, skrevet af historikeren og islam forskeren Bat Ye'or: EURABIA - The Euro-Arab Axis, 2005.

En gennemgang af Ye'ors teser forfattet af islamkenderen og forfatteren Fjordman i fire dele med titlen THE EURABIA CODE , er tilgængelig på internettet. Link:

Eller i en samlet illustreret version her:

Så nu er det op til Ransom at fremkomme med den fornødne dokumentation for de af ham fremsatte vurderinger og påstande eller påvise faktuelle fejl i det jeg har skrevet.


Ipso Facto pifter

"Islam has, however, suffered and is still suffering from misrepresentation, for example through hostile or oriental stereotypes, and there is little awareness in Europe of Islam's past contribution or of Islam's potentially positive role in European society today. Historrical errors, educational eclecticism and over-simplified approach of the media are responsible for this situation." - punkt 6. i en længere opremsning af den islamiske civilisations bidrag til europæisk kultur vedtaget i Europa Rådet i 1991.

Problemet er altså, må man forstå ikke islam eller muslimer, men de fjendtligtsindede steorotype forestillinger om islam som er blevet bibragt befolkningerne gennem en eftersnakkende og usaglig historieundervisning. Problemet er ikke muslimernes adfærd eller det faktum, at Europa var udsat for jihadiske erobringsforsøg fra år 711 til 1683 hvor tyrkerne blev drevet på flugt efter for anden gang at have belejret Wien. Heldigvis er det lykkes EU at få rettet fejlene, således at islam i dag overallt omtales som en fredens og tolerancens religion der har ydet uvurderlige bidrag til vor kultur. De der ikke omtaler islam således er ganske enkelt islamofober. - Ipso Facto.

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