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Skribent: treram
Emne: Re: Phenomenon the destruction of the Earth

Your creator Allah is sure a much evil monster, if your quran is scientific book as you claim it is, but the creator has nothing to do with the earthquakes on the earth or anything at all, as he just is a sick thought in sick peoples heads, a sickness escalated to higher and higher levels, because the people is forced into it, driven by sick imans, priest and so on, from their childhood they were brainwashed with the quran, so they didn´t have their own will, but cling to the sick quran as to a sinking ship, an that´s was the quran and allah are a sinking ship, but unfortunately it takes many many years to clear the peoples heads for unwanted virus as allahs and qurans as gods and bibles, but it can only improve, we´re on the right path, some happy day, the earth is cleared for all the godly monsters, and we all can live a happier life with no strings to the your evil gods.
But the earthquakes will still be harming the world, with no one to blame.

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